magpie280168: Grass snake on the move
magpie280168: Whitethroat nest building
magpie280168: Whitethroat nest building
magpie280168: Whitethroat
magpie280168: Flycatcher, (spotted I think)
magpie280168: Pied Flycatcher
magpie280168: Nothing holds back nature
magpie280168: Lapwing
magpie280168: Reed Bunting
magpie280168: Whitethroat
magpie280168: Red Kite a bit the worse for wear
magpie280168: Pheasant
magpie280168: Pheasant
magpie280168: Linnet
magpie280168: Southern Hawker Dragonfly
magpie280168: Male Common Blue Damselfly
magpie280168: Female Common Blue Damselfly
magpie280168: Blue-Tailed Damselfly
magpie280168: Bezzy mates
magpie280168: Of course I'm a cow can't you see the resemblance....
magpie280168: Identity crisis......
magpie280168: Emerald damselfly - Lestes sponsa
magpie280168: Migrant Hawker - Aeshna mixta
magpie280168: Female Common Darter - Sympetrum striolatum
magpie280168: Common Lizard large and small
magpie280168: Toad on the road.....
magpie280168: Common Lizard - twins