magpie280168: Avocet parents with chicks
magpie280168: Reed Bunting - male
magpie280168: Orange-tip Butterfly
magpie280168: Speckled wood butterfly
magpie280168: Peacock Butterfly
magpie280168: Common Vetch
magpie280168: Avocet chicks
magpie280168: Avocet parents with chicks
magpie280168: Moorhen chasing a Grass snake
magpie280168: Moorhen chasing a Grass snake
magpie280168: Grass snake
magpie280168: Moorhen chasing a Grass snake
magpie280168: Moorhen chasing a Grass snake
magpie280168: Small White - Pieris rapae
magpie280168: Large White -Pieris brassicae
magpie280168: Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui
magpie280168: Red Admiral - Vanessa atalanta
magpie280168: Small Copper - Lycaena phlaeas
magpie280168: Small tortoiseshell - Aglais urticae
magpie280168: Migrant hawker - Aeshna mixta
magpie280168: Small copper - Lycaena phlaeas
magpie280168: Ant Damsel Bug - Himacerus mirmicoides - I think.....
magpie280168: Marsh grasshopper -
magpie280168: Meadow grasshopper - Chorthippus parallelus
magpie280168: Migrant hawker - Aeshna mixta
magpie280168: Silver Y moth - Autographa gamma