decorahman: sparrow missile
decorahman: Nuthatch Flight Launch
decorahman: Mr. Cardinal
decorahman: Nuthatch dive bomber
decorahman: Nuthatch ready to fly
decorahman: Red-bellied Woodpecker
decorahman: Mrs Cardinal
decorahman: Mrs Cardinal
decorahman: Red-bellied Woodpecker
decorahman: Nuthatch
decorahman: Mrs Cardinal backlit
decorahman: IMG_5102ps
decorahman: Red-bellied Woodpecker & Fledgling
decorahman: Mr Cardinal
decorahman: Ready to Fly
decorahman: Evil Eyes-common grackle
decorahman: Sparrow Profile
decorahman: Blue Jay
decorahman: Just asingin'
decorahman: Feed me Mom!
decorahman: Starling and young
decorahman: Black-capped chickadee
decorahman: Black-capped Chickadee
decorahman: nuthatch-happy bird
decorahman: Red-belied Woodpecker
decorahman: Tufted Titmouse
decorahman: American Goldfinch (male) [Explored]
decorahman: He stopped for a second
decorahman: Red Winged Black Bird (female)
decorahman: Red Winged Blackbird (male)