jilly bean2013: Please meet little Preston Popples...
jilly bean2013: Here sis... I'll lend you my teddy until Mommy buys you one of your own...
jilly bean2013: Sweet little sisters...
jilly bean2013: Awwwww...
jilly bean2013: Sleep tight, precious princess...
jilly bean2013: I LOVE her sooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jilly bean2013: Thank you, Marlon, for making one of my HUGE dolly dreams come true!!!!
jilly bean2013: Knock, knock...
jilly bean2013: Hello? Is anybody here?
jilly bean2013: Preston Popples...
jilly bean2013: I'm so in love with this girl and her itty bitty teeth...
jilly bean2013: TOOOOOO cute!!!!!!!!!
jilly bean2013: Oopsy... I see London, I see France...
jilly bean2013: Mommy, who's the new girl?
jilly bean2013: Weeeeeee...
jilly bean2013: Butterscotch meets some of her new sisters...
jilly bean2013: Good night and sleep tight, everyone...
jilly bean2013: Snickerdoodle loves having lots of sisters...
jilly bean2013: Little Nikki, happy with two of her new sisters...
jilly bean2013: Will you make room for me?
jilly bean2013: More Preston Popples' spam... :)
jilly bean2013: See... isn't this cozy and comfy?
jilly bean2013: Me next!!!
jilly bean2013: Everything is more fun when you share it with a friend...
jilly bean2013: Can't believe how much I love this girl...
jilly bean2013: ... and more... :)
jilly bean2013: Finally! An MforMonkey lederhosen outfit, just for ME!
jilly bean2013: What a lovely new dress you have, Preston...
jilly bean2013: Preston Popples, taking her afternoon nap...
jilly bean2013: Preston Popples' lovely lids...