craft room: Loud Hot Glass blowing video
craft room: Start of the process
craft room: Early on. A little bit of a bubble.
craft room: Adding the white strands
craft room: "the bucket"
craft room: Shaping with the white
craft room: blowing
craft room: blowing
craft room: preparing to switch "ends"
craft room: Transfer back to the ovens
craft room: bunsen burner
craft room: Changing ends
craft room: Unison
craft room: working the opening
craft room: Getting ready to transfer
craft room: Ready to catch!
craft room: DONE! Carrying the piece to the annealer
craft room: Glass bubbles
craft room: dripped glass
craft room: Glass Quilt
craft room: Glass quilt
craft room: Rods of color
craft room: Studio work scene
craft room: IMG_0526
craft room: IMG_0527
craft room: IMG_0528
craft room: Extra glass goes into the bucket