Powderpuff GP: The Plough - long exposure
Powderpuff GP: Looking for the Perseid meteor showers - and failing! My first-ever attempt at star trails, though!
Powderpuff GP: The moon and the stars! The moon was just appearing through the hedge, and I was trying to photograph the Perseid meteor shower. I didn't!
Powderpuff GP: Starry, starry night...
Powderpuff GP: Busy skies over Dunnington, North Yorkshire
Powderpuff GP: Hoping to photograph a shooting star, but catching a plane instead! Its a start...!
Powderpuff GP: Colourful star trails over York this evening 💫
Powderpuff GP: The moon this evening - waxing gibbous, apparently!
Powderpuff GP: Meteor hunting - and failing!