Powderpuff GP: Colourful market stall 😊
Powderpuff GP: View from the bus - moody blues!
Powderpuff GP: Fast-moving trees!!
Powderpuff GP: Lone tree in the spotlight ☀️
Powderpuff GP: A walk through the woods :)
Powderpuff GP: Blackbird in the shadows
Powderpuff GP: Cabbage White butterfly - taken from a long way away!
Powderpuff GP: Peace and quiet!
Powderpuff GP: Hot air balloon flying low over University of York
Powderpuff GP: Hot air balloon flying low over University of York
Powderpuff GP: Mist and sun through the trees
Powderpuff GP: The start of another beautiful day ❤️. Hotel Alpha, Sant'Agnello, Sorrento.
Powderpuff GP: Shambles (not 'THE' Shambles!), taken from Little Shambles, on a cold, wet day.
Powderpuff GP: Heslington Hall, looking stunning in the late sunshine 😊
Powderpuff GP: York Knavesmire - County Stand
Powderpuff GP: Stamford Bridge in black and white, with a hint of colour!!
Powderpuff GP: Red 🔴
Powderpuff GP: Kissing gate, Stamford Bridge
Powderpuff GP: Evening in Scarborough 😊
Powderpuff GP: Evening in Scarborough 😊
Powderpuff GP: Watering the crops (and my camera!!)
Powderpuff GP: Feral kitten, Kephalonia
Powderpuff GP: Treading on thin ice...
Powderpuff GP: The York floods - 2015. The sun rises over another day of misery for many York businesses and home-owners. Amazing photographic opportunities, but I can't imagine how the people directly affected were coping.
Powderpuff GP: York Walls
Powderpuff GP: Eye-eye...! Reflections on the River Ouse, York.
Powderpuff GP: Sea mist over Scarborough South Bay
Powderpuff GP: Green (slightly!) and pleasant land!
Powderpuff GP: Supercars and reflections
Powderpuff GP: September sunset