Powderpuff GP: Italy 2016 ❤️ - the flight home
Powderpuff GP: Sunset over Dunnington
Powderpuff GP: Clouds over York
Powderpuff GP: Clouds over York
Powderpuff GP: The road home ❤️
Powderpuff GP: Roof of ex carriage works, York
Powderpuff GP: Sunrise at Kimberlow Hill, York.
Powderpuff GP: Sunset over Dunnington, York
Powderpuff GP: No washing today!
Powderpuff GP: Reflections of a beautiful sunset
Powderpuff GP: Seagull over Scarborough
Powderpuff GP: Scarborough, South Bay
Powderpuff GP: Seagull flying over Scaraborough bay
Powderpuff GP: Cloud formation
Powderpuff GP: Heslington church at sunset
Powderpuff GP: River Ouse, York, at sunset
Powderpuff GP: Early morning walk
Powderpuff GP: Italy 2016 ❤️ Sunset over Sorrento, with view of Capri
Powderpuff GP: A cold walk to work!
Powderpuff GP: View from the bus - moody blues!
Powderpuff GP: Watering the crops (and my camera!!)
Powderpuff GP: The York floods - 2015. The sun rises over another day of misery for many York businesses and home-owners. Amazing photographic opportunities, but I can't imagine how the people directly affected were coping.
Powderpuff GP: Sea mist over Scarborough South Bay
Powderpuff GP: Green (slightly!) and pleasant land!
Powderpuff GP: Dramatic skies over Dunnington.
Powderpuff GP: Filey at night - with Filey Brigg to the left and Flamborough to the right
Powderpuff GP: The Plough - long exposure
Powderpuff GP: Looking for the Perseid meteor showers - and failing! My first-ever attempt at star trails, though!
Powderpuff GP: The moon and the stars! The moon was just appearing through the hedge, and I was trying to photograph the Perseid meteor shower. I didn't!