Powderpuff GP: Snow on conifer
Powderpuff GP: Yew tree topiary
Powderpuff GP: Catching the last rays of the sun
Powderpuff GP: Wasp on flower
Powderpuff GP: Bendy poppy!
Powderpuff GP: Askham Bog
Powderpuff GP: Askham Bog
Powderpuff GP: Askham Bog
Powderpuff GP: Playing with focus!
Powderpuff GP: Highlights and shadows
Powderpuff GP: Catching the sun
Powderpuff GP: Very first picture from my new Panasonic G6
Powderpuff GP: Giant snowdrop!
Powderpuff GP: Geometric plants!
Powderpuff GP: Victorian Garden
Powderpuff GP: Lemon waterlily
Powderpuff GP: Pink waterlily
Powderpuff GP: Pink waterlily
Powderpuff GP: One of many little hideaways to sit and relax :)
Powderpuff GP: Willow on the banks of the River Ouse, York
Powderpuff GP: sunlight through the grass
Powderpuff GP: Beautiful garden in York
Powderpuff GP: Wildflowers
Powderpuff GP: Autumn is here!
Powderpuff GP: Trees at York Knavesmire
Powderpuff GP: Fallen tree
Powderpuff GP: Flowers in the woods
Powderpuff GP: P1040724 - Version 2