Ian BC North: Non conforming
Ian BC North: Jackalope
Ian BC North: Boot house
Ian BC North: Jelly Jars
Ian BC North: Sister's kids in a tree
Ian BC North: Truckload of tires
Ian BC North: Breakfast
Ian BC North: Kit car
Ian BC North: scout377732
Ian BC North: Pieces of copper ore
Ian BC North: Draft Horses
Ian BC North: Horse pull
Ian BC North: Clockwise?
Ian BC North: AA flame
Ian BC North: Alaska 240KM
Ian BC North: Abandoned shed
Ian BC North: Decorated house front
Ian BC North: Any guesses?
Ian BC North: Norma's Ark
Ian BC North: Antlers
Ian BC North: Log Sorter
Ian BC North: Jaws
Ian BC North: Horse
Ian BC North: Memory of rain
Ian BC North: On the job
Ian BC North: Fire pit
Ian BC North: Dump with a view
Ian BC North: Tree topping
Ian BC North: Vanishing point
Ian BC North: Log sorter at a log yard