clamshack: Roslindale
clamshack: Roslindale - refer to new Roslindale Memories Album 6-7-2023
clamshack: Astoria Motor Sales since 1946
clamshack: Fogarty Construction Site Dudley-Durnell and Wash St -The_Boston_Globe_1886_08_03_page_
clamshack: Fogarty Const Co Site on Dudley-Durnell Av 1884 Map
clamshack: A walk from Forest Hills to Roslindale - Boston Daily Globe Sep 7 1894
clamshack: Astoria Motors future site 4267 Wash St Roslindale Square
clamshack: Astoria Motors former site 4267 Washington St Roslindale Square
clamshack: The_Boston_Globe_1947_09_24_page_25
clamshack: Astoria Motor Sales 4267 Washington St Roslindale -The_Boston_Globe_1950_05_24_page_43
clamshack: Astoria Motors -former owner Andrew Raffoni Death - The_Boston_Globe_1979_08_20_page_28
clamshack: Astoria Motors young Raffoni car accident 1 of 2 The_Boston_Globe_1934_08_27_page_18
clamshack: Astoria Motors youn Raffoni injured 2 of 2 The_Boston_Globe_1934_08_27_page_18 (1)
clamshack: Astoria Motors 1937 Residence of teen Andrew Raffoni 4467 Washington St
clamshack: Bud at parents Mobil station Wellsmere and Washington 1947
clamshack: Massiminos 1 of 3
clamshack: Massiminos 2 of 3
clamshack: Massiminos 3 of 3 Joe's Restaurant became Massiminos Dec 2 1948 Boston Globe
clamshack: Pat Walsh and Princess Beech St and Orange - Roslindale 1973
clamshack: Washington Irving School 1 of 2 c1929 - Amy Elizabeth
clamshack: Washington Irving School 2 of 2 c1929 - Amy Elizabeth
clamshack: Roslindale Welcomes Its Veterans - Boston-Daily-Globe-Oct 14, 1919-p-20
clamshack: Anawan Rd Joining Belgrade
clamshack: Roslindale Baby Show - Boston-Sunday-Globe-Jun 25, 1922-p-102
clamshack: 44 Johnswood Rd Roslindale The Deering Residence
clamshack: 44 Johnswood Rd Roslindale 1924 Map
clamshack: 81 Durnell Arson by Son - Boston-Post-Apr 29, 1910-p-9 (1 of 2)
clamshack: 81 Durnell (formerly Dudley) Av Roslindale MA (2 of 2)
clamshack: 81 Dudley - Durnell - Av
clamshack: 81 Dudley another Schulz Property ?