clamshack: Indio City Street Map 1942
clamshack: Indio Sreet Map 1899
clamshack: Indio Downtown Map - prior to I-10 fwy
clamshack: Indio Street Map 1956
clamshack: Indio 1956 Street Map detail three Hospitals
clamshack: Indio historical map locations of medical facilities
clamshack: County Agrees to per diem pay for indigent hospitalization - Palm Springs Limelight - News July 30 1948
clamshack: Indio Depot c1900 - Housed the SPRR medical office/clinic.
clamshack: Indio Depot c1900 - Housed the SPRR medical office/clinic.
clamshack: Dr June McCarroll
clamshack: Dr Smiley Residence-Office 82-616 Miles Av Indio
clamshack: Dr Smiley and some of his neigbors US Census 1940
clamshack: Indio - Dr Russell M Gray's Clinic-Coachella Valley Hosp, corner Miles and Towne (where Yellow Mart is now) Operated in the 1920s and early 30s
clamshack: Indio - Dr Russell M Gray's Clinic-Coachella Valley Hosp, corner Miles and Towne (where Yellow Mart is now) Operated in the 1920s and early 30s
clamshack: Indio - Coachella Valley Hospital northeast corner of Bliss at King Streets - Dr Howard Wilkins
clamshack: Indio_Coachella_Valley_Hospital_DR_Russell_Gray_new_offices_in_Banning___SB_Sun_Aug_4_1932
clamshack: Dr_Russell_Gray_busy_in_Indio_in_Palm_Springs_Limelight_Jun_26_1937
clamshack: Dr_Gray_off_to_Columbia_Post_Grad_Study_in_Palm_Springs_Limelight_May_28_1938
clamshack: Dr_Russell_Gray_leaves_to_open_hotel_in_Colorado_in_Palm_Springs_Limelight_News_Mar_30_1940
clamshack: Dr_Russell_Gray_buys_Wilson_Bldg_in_Desert_Sun_Dec_8_1944
clamshack: Dr Howard Wilkins Coachella Valley Hospital with Dr Pawley - death announced in Desert Sun Aug 1 1953
clamshack: Indio - Coachella Valley Hosp at Bliss and King is VACANT_in_Desert_Sun_Jun_14_1961
clamshack: Indio Coachella Valley Hospital struggling and tries to get affiliated-accredited as a County Hospital - Riv Sups refuse in Desert Sun May 9 1962
clamshack: Indio - Coachella Valley Hospital for sale in Desert Sun Dec 18 1962
clamshack: Indio photo of Dr. Charles Berry and Dr. Ralph Pawley at their clinic in Coachella.
clamshack: Dr Craig Fischer and Dr Charles A Berry Space Admin Physicians of Indio in The_Desert_Sun_Thu__Aug_1__1991
clamshack: Dr_Ralph_Pawley_s_son_severely_injured_in_Wilmington_Daily_Press_Journal__Dec_16_1946
clamshack: Dr Pawley retired serving as medical missionary in Bolivia LA Times Aug 2 1962
clamshack: Dr_Pawley_retired_serving_as_medical_missionary_in_Bolivia_in_The_Tidings_Nov_2_1962
clamshack: Dr_Ralp_Pawley___his_father_le_Roy_Pawley_Obit_in_desert_Sun_April_5_1963