clamshack: 1920 program cover
clamshack: 1920 program cover
clamshack: 1920 AAA National Championship Trail
clamshack: Bev Hills Feb 1920 Inaugural (1 of 3) Program Cover
clamshack: Bev Hill Inaugural (2 of 3) Feb 21 1920 Program Prize Money
clamshack: Bev Hills Feb 1920 3 of 3 Points Awarded
clamshack: Beverly Hills Inaugural -last points race for 300ci class - Feb 28 1920 in LA Times Feb 27 1920
clamshack: Bev Hills Inaugural prerace entry-list Feb 28 1920 In LA Times Feb 2 1920
clamshack: Bev Hills 2-28-20 Duesenbergs start 1-2-3 Ted Wilson photo
clamshack: Minutes Before the Start - Sometimes the Hardest - detail of a Ted Wilson Photo, Bev Hills Inaugural 2-28-20
clamshack: Murphy Out of Gas on Victory Lap Bev Hills Feb 28th 1920 Inaugural
clamshack: Bev Hills - Art Klein Peugeot Feb 28 1920
clamshack: Klein's disintegrated right rear wheel assembly
clamshack: Klein - Art 1889 - 1955
clamshack: Kleins Bev Hills Incident mentioned San_Francisco_Chronicle_Sun__Mar_7__1920
clamshack: Klein's old Peugeot on display at Warner Brothers - LA Times May 7 1932
clamshack: Klein - Art Klein Warner Brothers Director Mechanical Division Napa Journal Jan 19 1936
clamshack: Klein- Art Klein Pilot - Warner Brothers Studios - LA Times Mar 5 1934 (1 of 2)
clamshack: Klein- Art Klein Pilot - Warner brothers Studios - LA Times Mar 5 1934 (2 of 2)
clamshack: Beverly Hills Boards - last non-points paying event for the 300 ci big cars in Los Angeles Evening Express Sat Mar 20 1920
clamshack: Beverly Hills Boards2 - last non-points paying event for the 300 ci big cars in Los Angeles Evening Express Sat Mar 20 1920
clamshack: Bev Hills 3-28-20 Ralph de Palma in his brand new "Ballot Paris" labelled suit - drawing for position (Three 50 mile sprints)
clamshack: Bev Hills March 21 1920 Program 1of 2
clamshack: Bev Hills March 21 1920 Program 2 of 2
clamshack: dePalma 1920 Season with his Ballot
clamshack: Duesenberg LSR car in LA Even Post-record April 2 1920
clamshack: Oriental Park Havana Cuba - no data Wisc History
clamshack: Oriental Park April 10 1920 Program Cover
clamshack: oriental Park finish line April 10 1920 ? elsewhere listed as 1918
clamshack: Oriental Park April 10 1920 partial results Ten Miler