clamshack: Local Primary and Emerg VETS
clamshack: Vet Urgent Care of Desert
clamshack: Street Kids - Calhoun - Christmas Eve 2021
clamshack: Street Kids Calhoun Christmas Eve 2 2021
clamshack: Can't wait to be fed
clamshack: Sherry and Carol
clamshack: TNR Sue - Up all night
clamshack: Friends of the Palm Springs Animal Shelter Faux Fur Ball 2022
clamshack: Lene Kiddie Spring Danielson and Family (JoJo and ?, ?)
clamshack: Mike and his TNR Kittens
clamshack: Age of Kiittens
clamshack: JUNE 2022 TNR SCHED
clamshack: Chrissy 2 - Sue saw her 3 days tied to a fence at Fairgrounds 110 heat - brought her home this AM
clamshack: Sam - Samantha Rhodes
clamshack: Samantha just arrived - Paris Nov 27 2022
clamshack: TNR Clinic Crew God Bless
clamshack: Rescued Kids safe and sound and waiting for the morning sun