clamshack: Carl 007 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 007 (2)
clamshack: Carl 001 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 001 Hand painted decals (2)
clamshack: Carl 002 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 002 (2)
clamshack: L-R The old and the bold. Winchester Speedway OT Aug 5 2017
clamshack: Carl 003 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 003 (2)
clamshack: Carl 004 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 004 (2)
clamshack: Carl 005 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 005 (2)
clamshack: Carl 006 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 006 (2)
clamshack: Carl 017 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 020 (2)
clamshack: Carl 008 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 008 (2)
clamshack: Carl 009 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 010 (2)
clamshack: Carl 010 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 012 (2)
clamshack: Carl 011 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 013 (2)
clamshack: Carl 012 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 015 (2)
clamshack: Carl 013 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 016 (2)
clamshack: Carl 014 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 017 (2)
clamshack: Carl 015 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 018 (2)
clamshack: Carl 016 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 019 (2)
clamshack: Carl 027 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 032 (2)
clamshack: Carl 018 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 021 (2)
clamshack: Carl 019 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 022 (2)
clamshack: Carl 020 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 014 (2)
clamshack: Carl 021 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 023 (2)
clamshack: Carl 022 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 024 (2)
clamshack: Carl 023 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 025 (2)
clamshack: Carl 024 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 026 (2)
clamshack: Carl 025 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 027 (2)
clamshack: Carl 026 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 028 (2)
clamshack: Carl 034 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 002 (2)
clamshack: Carl 028 Winchester Oldtimers 2017 a630 034 (2)