clamshack: Milw Millers 2016 Program 6 pages_0001
clamshack: Milw Millers 2016 Program 6 pages_0002
clamshack: Milw Millers 2016 Program 6 pages_0003
clamshack: Milw Millers 2016 Program 6 pages_0004
clamshack: Milw Millers 2016 Program 6 pages_0005
clamshack: Milw Millers 2016 Program 6 pages_0006
clamshack: Miller Club Group Photo 2016
clamshack: Miller Club Group Photo2 2016
clamshack: Miller Club Group Photo3 2016
clamshack: Guest Driver Eddie Le Pine - at speed
clamshack: Joe Freeman in his 1915 Duesenberg
clamshack: Mic Anderson's 1961-Watson-Roadster-in-Leader-Card-Special-livery
clamshack: Mic Anderson's Leader Card Spl Steve Zautke photo
clamshack: Miller Club Group Photo4 2016
clamshack: Preparing for the Miller Club Group Photo 2016
clamshack: Preparing for the Miller Club Group Photo BVS 15 2016
clamshack: MJS vintageindy
clamshack: Eddie le Pine - Guest Driver - Miller Meet Milwaukee Mile 2016
clamshack: Guest Driver - Mike Lynn in The BVS Miller Meet June 2016 photo by handverker
clamshack: Fast and Slow Sessions 20 mins each throughout the day -2016-06-24 Hemmings
clamshack: Mac Miller in the Doc's Roadster - Dave Shreiner on the right and his partner Jim McCabe holding wheel are having Mac build them one.
clamshack: The Boyle Valve Special is starting to show its age - looking good
clamshack: The BVS stayed in pit lane most of each day making it easier to acceess the track at 20 min intervals - probably another 250 miles
clamshack: First car on to the track and the last off at the close of the two day event
clamshack: `MAc in the roadster he built for The Doc, Dave Shreiner in dark blue and his racing partner Jim McCabe with wheel
clamshack: Guest Driver Jim Dicks - Leaving Pit Lane - 2016 Milwaukee Miller Meet 139
clamshack: Jim Dicks Guest Driver - 2016 Milwaukee Miller Meet 138
clamshack: Jim 2016 Milwaukee Miller Meet 136
clamshack: Jim Dicks and ? 2016 Milwaukee Miller Meet 014
clamshack: Jim 2016 Milwaukee Miller Meet 140