Redwin Law: Respite
Redwin Law: Vacation time
Redwin Law: California beach
Redwin Law: Randy Granny and Ricky
Redwin Law: Front steps
Redwin Law: Ed and Doris Lawrence, Winnipeg, circa 1949
Redwin Law: Doris and Ed Lawrence, Lake Winnipeg, circa 1949
Redwin Law: Ed and Doris Lawrence, Selkirk Avenue, WInnipeg, circa 1949
Redwin Law: Doris Bennett, Winnipeg, circa 1945
Redwin Law: Nel Bennett, Vancouver B.C. 1966
Redwin Law: Doris and Nel Bennett Winnipeg circa 1949
Redwin Law: Ricky and Randy in a box, 1966
Redwin Law: Ricky with a Grain Belt, 1960