V.Barnard: 131214-201. D1015 at Quainton Road
V.Barnard: 130928-047. 70007 at Witham
V.Barnard: 130901-178. BR Black Five 44932
V.Barnard: 130810-039. 73119 'Borough of Eastleigh'
V.Barnard: 130806-034. 70009 at Apsley
V.Barnard: 130805-033. DRS 57012 + 57004
V.Barnard: 130707-019. A1 60163 'Tornado' with the 'Cathedrals Express'
V.Barnard: 130525-086. LU150 GWR Prairie No5521 + Bo-Bo Electric
V.Barnard: 130519-028. Colas 56087 on a Southern Engineers
V.Barnard: 130408-088. 56091 with the empty flyash
V.Barnard: 130126-243. 37409 with the 'Buffer Puffer'
V.Barnard: 130712-077. 47501 'Craftsman' with the 'Northern Belle'
V.Barnard: 130113-146. LU150 Met No1 at Farringdon