wheehamx: Portencross sunset 26Jan09
wheehamx: Portencross sunset 26Jan09
wheehamx: Law hill over Glenburn Resr 26Jan09
wheehamx: Clydeport reflections 26Jan09
wheehamx: Crosbie burn 26Jan09
wheehamx: Largs marina view 26Jan09
wheehamx: Cemetery cottage Largs 26Jan09
wheehamx: The secret waterfall above Fairlie 26Jan09
wheehamx: Crosbie Towers ruin 26Jan09
wheehamx: Sun cloud and loch 26Jan09
wheehamx: Sheep pens at Crosbie 26Jan09
wheehamx: Water-gate 26Jan09
wheehamx: Waterfall in Kelburn 26Jan09
wheehamx: Trees in silhouette 26Jan09
wheehamx: Clyde panorama from above Fairlie 26Jan09
wheehamx: Glenburn and Millport 26Jan09
wheehamx: Cock o' the midden 26Jan09
wheehamx: Gears 26Jan09
wheehamx: Valves in Kelburn water works 26Jan09
wheehamx: Panorama from Kelburn 26Jan09
wheehamx: Fairlieward in Kelburn 26Jan09
wheehamx: Crosbie gate house 26Jan09
wheehamx: Belted galloways in mud 26Jan09
wheehamx: Crosbie panorama 26Jan09
wheehamx: Pylons to Hunterston 26Jan09