nick_j_71: airport Calgary
nick_j_71: DSC_0166_calgary_tower
nick_j_71: DSC_0199_me_on_the_tower_nice view
nick_j_71: DSC_0200
nick_j_71: DSC_0202_me and the bear
nick_j_71: DSC_0204_high up
nick_j_71: IMG_7010
nick_j_71: IMG_7025
nick_j_71: IMG_7032
nick_j_71: IMG_6993_Vancouver_airport
nick_j_71: IMG_6994_posing
nick_j_71: DSC_0217
nick_j_71: DSC_0219
nick_j_71: DSC_0221
nick_j_71: DSC_0225
nick_j_71: IMG_7075_1
nick_j_71: IMG_7075_2
nick_j_71: IMG_7075_3
nick_j_71: DSC_0232 Golden Leaves
nick_j_71: DSC_0237
nick_j_71: DSC_0246 Crossing
nick_j_71: IMG_7056
nick_j_71: IMG_7052_I am shy
nick_j_71: IMG_7050_me_the_conductor_the_ticket_please
nick_j_71: IMG_7034
nick_j_71: DSC_0254_enjoying the autumn
nick_j_71: IMG_7060
nick_j_71: IMG_7059
nick_j_71: DSC_0260 Telephone back that time
nick_j_71: DSC_0262 Cowboy Sheriff