stratoz: 47 269/365 A Good Morning Mandala
stratoz: 47 258/365 Dr Ed's Mandala in blue and orange
stratoz: 47 206/365 M's 1st rainbow mandala
stratoz: 47 161/365 The cool half of the rainbow
stratoz: 47 158/365 what the glass asked to become
stratoz: 47 153/365 Half the rainbow
stratoz: 47 148/365 Peace Be with You
stratoz: 47 145/365 Do you see what I see
stratoz: 47 136/365 Margaret's Nebula
stratoz: 47 103/365 the return of the Sophia mandala
stratoz: 47 49/365 a moon spiral
stratoz: 47 40a/365 a STRATOZPHERIC mandala
stratoz: 47 40b/365
stratoz: 47 39/365 the whole mandala
stratoz: 47 33/365
stratoz: a mandala that turned square
stratoz: one for Margaret's mom--- close up
stratoz: Mandala her mom wanted
stratoz: Quantum mandala mosaic
stratoz: poinsettia mosaic
stratoz: Margaret's blue mandala
stratoz: ornaments or tiny mandalas?
stratoz: shower curtain mandala-- stained glass
stratoz: foiling the shower curtain mandala
stratoz: shower curtain mandala-- background blues
stratoz: burning bush not consumed
stratoz: burning bush consumed
stratoz: dichroic center mandala
stratoz: bought by a friend
stratoz: mandala--- stained glass mosaic on slate... grays and blues