stratoz: 47 31/365 same year abstract
stratoz: 47 46/365--- refreshing
stratoz: 47 70/365 Randy's platter
stratoz: 47 132/365 One of my favorites
stratoz: 47 133/365 Mary from an angle
stratoz: 47 135/365 standing back to get the whole picture
stratoz: 47 177/365 Too Late Renoir
stratoz: Mechanical Abstraction by Morton Schamberg
stratoz: mosaic tower by Tiffany
stratoz: dragonfly with cool eyes by Emile Galle
stratoz: Jardiniere by Emile Galle
stratoz: corner signature---- "Spring Sale at Bendel's" by Florine Stetthemier
stratoz: two pieces of art in one
stratoz: The Burning of the House of Parliament by Joseph Mallord Willaim Turner
stratoz: from a stairwell
stratoz: The Annunciation 1650 by Francisco de Zorbaran
stratoz: Man on a Balcony (Dr. Theo Morinaud), 1912 by Albert Gleizes
stratoz: Vase,Glazed Earthenware decorated Jacques Sicard
stratoz: Frank Furness designed desk