stratoz: Star in the corner of the Feathered fantasy (see the fantasy in next photo)
stratoz: Feathered Fantasy by Barbara Jones and Judy Sieker
stratoz: The Sampler by Barbara Persing
stratoz: B J Titus's Nocturnal Iridescence Quilt
stratoz: Quilt: "Byzantine Gypsy" by Pam Peterson
stratoz: First Place "Profusion of Paisley" quilted by Alice Means Bolton, CT
stratoz: Some times you feel like a nut, a quilt by Barbara Barrick McKie
stratoz: 47 164/365 Liz Jones quilt: Parasol
stratoz: 47 172/365 Annette Bamberger's Optimism
stratoz: 47 174/365 Kuniko Saka: Brilliance #3
stratoz: 47 175/365 Prakke's Storm Warning