stratoz: Turkish coffee and sweets at Oasis Restaurant
stratoz: Chicken Sandwich oasis style ---- shawarma
stratoz: pinto and kidney bean soup oasis style --- fasoulata
stratoz: Ice Tea Oasis style--- no caffeine
stratoz: torta della nona
stratoz: almond croissant... searching for a miracle cure
stratoz: if your going to have chocolate...
stratoz: 47 48/365 Gelato
stratoz: 47 51/365 on the way out
stratoz: 47 155/365 Cupackes!
stratoz: 47 156/365 Cupcakes-- closer
stratoz: Hazelnut Napoleon
stratoz: scenes from a birthday dinner at Yanni's Gyro in Lansdale
stratoz: scenes from a birthday dinner at Yanni's Gyro in Lansdale
stratoz: scenes from a birthday dinner at Yanni's Gyro in Lansdale
stratoz: scenes from a birthday dinner at Yanni's Gyro in Lansdale