stratoz: Back of William's head
stratoz: William holds humanity
stratoz: M is smaller than life in this photo
stratoz: DSCN0060
stratoz: DSCN0058
stratoz: DSCN0057
stratoz: DSCN0056
stratoz: DSCN0055
stratoz: retired bumper
stratoz: DSCN0053
stratoz: DSCN0052
stratoz: DSCN0050
stratoz: DSCN0049
stratoz: DSCN0048
stratoz: center of star
stratoz: DSCN0046
stratoz: DSCN0044
stratoz: DSCN0043
stratoz: DSCN0042
stratoz: DSCN0041
stratoz: DSCN0040
stratoz: Wayne. As in the County.
stratoz: jazz in Harrisburg, PA--- Helen Sung
stratoz: Verdant
stratoz: Days of Summer by Martha Nichols
stratoz: The Harrisburger Hotel
stratoz: 47 285/365 Anat plays with the Boys