stratoz: walking gardens of Buffalo
stratoz: Peristyle at Darwin Martin House
stratoz: close up of Peristyle at Darwin Martin House
stratoz: conservatory at Darwin Martin House
stratoz: wall at Darwin Martin House
stratoz: Wright's poorly designed birdhouse
stratoz: tree of life stained glass at Darwin Martin House
stratoz: Buffalo city hall from distance
stratoz: Buffalo city hall
stratoz: Buffalo city hall
stratoz: Buffalo city hall
stratoz: main entrance
stratoz: windows by Sullivan
stratoz: elaborate cornice
stratoz: Sullivan's round windows
stratoz: Sullivan's arch
stratoz: up close with Sullivan's terracotta
stratoz: plants gone berserk terracotta
stratoz: name tag for a Louis Sullivan buidling
stratoz: Iris with terracotta
stratoz: Graycliff 2
stratoz: Graycliff 3
stratoz: Graycliff 1