stratoz: coleus 2007
stratoz: DSCN0456.JPG
stratoz: annual triangle
stratoz: Angelonia 2007
stratoz: DSCN0448.JPG
stratoz: DSCN0447.JPG
stratoz: coleus 2007
stratoz: cosmos
stratoz: cosmos
stratoz: blue horizon ageratum
stratoz: climbing snapdragons- just beginning
stratoz: DSCN0432.JPG
stratoz: zinnia in my yard 2007
stratoz: snapdragons
stratoz: pincushion bud
stratoz: zinnia
stratoz: ugly fence becoming
stratoz: cosmos
stratoz: lingering pansies
stratoz: macro of portulaca
stratoz: natural spiral
stratoz: radiating orange
stratoz: 2nd tall zinnia of 2007
stratoz: zinnia bud
stratoz: dahlia bud
stratoz: Dahlia Vuurvogel
stratoz: wrong time
stratoz: over the top
stratoz: violet spiral
stratoz: unsnapped