StJohn Smith1: IMG_3408
StJohn Smith1: Cirvid elegance - Eurasian Jackday
StJohn Smith1: Private Magpie
StJohn Smith1: Piapiacs
StJohn Smith1: African Pied Crow
StJohn Smith1: Jay Watercolor
StJohn Smith1: Blue Jay
StJohn Smith1: Purplish Jay, Pantanal, Brazil
StJohn Smith1: Plush-crested Jay
StJohn Smith1: American Robin
StJohn Smith1: Back to the Grind
StJohn Smith1: Bravado
StJohn Smith1: Oriental Magpie-Robin
StJohn Smith1: Kalahari Scrub-Robin
StJohn Smith1: Waiting for the Train
StJohn Smith1: White-headed Robin-Chat
StJohn Smith1: Nightingale
StJohn Smith1: Austral Thrush
StJohn Smith1: Alpine Chough