StJohn Smith1: IMG_4256
StJohn Smith1: Swan Watercolour
StJohn Smith1: Almost lift-off
StJohn Smith1: Opulence
StJohn Smith1: Black-necked Swan
StJohn Smith1: Family Line-up
StJohn Smith1: Swangoose
StJohn Smith1: One must always preen.
StJohn Smith1: Egyptian Goose, inspecting.
StJohn Smith1: Feeding Nene
StJohn Smith1: Magpie Goose
StJohn Smith1: Mixed company, including Egyptian Goose
StJohn Smith1: What wings!
StJohn Smith1: Pliancy
StJohn Smith1: Confrontation
StJohn Smith1: Red-breated Geese, keeping apart
StJohn Smith1: Andean Goose, displaying
StJohn Smith1: South African Shelduck
StJohn Smith1: Ruddy Shelduck
StJohn Smith1: Must have a Stretch!
StJohn Smith1: Rosy-billed Pochard aka Rosybiil, and why not?
StJohn Smith1: Yoga Practice for a Rosybill aka Rosy-billed Pochard
StJohn Smith1: Mainstream
StJohn Smith1: P1000880
StJohn Smith1: Wigeon Coupledom
StJohn Smith1: Something to Sing About!
StJohn Smith1: Coupledom
StJohn Smith1: P1000586