StJohn Smith1: IMG_3422
StJohn Smith1: Pheasant Dignity
StJohn Smith1: 20120620_3
StJohn Smith1: Mutes on the Danube Estuary
StJohn Smith1: Swan Watercolour
StJohn Smith1: Almost lift-off
StJohn Smith1: We have lift-off
StJohn Smith1: Opulence
StJohn Smith1: IMG_4256
StJohn Smith1: Confrontation
StJohn Smith1: One must always preen.
StJohn Smith1: Egyptian Goose, inspecting.
StJohn Smith1: Mixed company, including Egyptian Goose
StJohn Smith1: What wings!
StJohn Smith1: Pliancy
StJohn Smith1: Red-breated Geese, keeping apart
StJohn Smith1: Mainstream
StJohn Smith1: P1020516
StJohn Smith1: P1000880
StJohn Smith1: Wigeon Coupledom
StJohn Smith1: Ruddy Shelduck
StJohn Smith1: Falcated Duck
StJohn Smith1: P1000586
StJohn Smith1: Ferruginous Teal [Duck]
StJohn Smith1: Let's Twist
StJohn Smith1: Gadwall
StJohn Smith1: Pintail
StJohn Smith1: White-headed Duck
StJohn Smith1: Smart Carolina - wild