Sidmouth Ian:
It's Coopervan!
Sidmouth Ian:
What's another year......
Sidmouth Ian:
Thames Trader pantechnicon, Westlake of Plymouth.
Sidmouth Ian:
Where Sidmouths' Devon General bus depot used to stand!
Sidmouth Ian:
A pair of Georges' finest!
Sidmouth Ian:
Greenslades Tours 1962 Willowbrook Viscount bodied AEC Reliance, 961 HTT, at Sidmouth Triangle.
Sidmouth Ian:
1960 Bristol FLF6G, 468 FTT, Western National.
Sidmouth Ian:
On full song...
Sidmouth Ian:
Frank Tripp line-up, late sixties.
Sidmouth Ian:
Good to see, out and about.
Sidmouth Ian:
Coronation special...
Sidmouth Ian:
Nice to see...
Sidmouth Ian:
Mind that salt air...
Sidmouth Ian:
Manchester Mandator.
Sidmouth Ian:
The Dartmoor Dodge...
Sidmouth Ian:
Then and now...
Sidmouth Ian:
Good Guy...
Sidmouth Ian:
Funny business...