Sidmouth Ian: Eireann Ergos.
Sidmouth Ian: More Loughran lovelies.
Sidmouth Ian: Part of the Patrick Loughran fleet.
Sidmouth Ian: 1948 AEC Regal/Duple, HHP 755, Greenslades Tours, Exeter.
Sidmouth Ian: 1948 AEC Regal/Duple, HHP 755, Greenslades Tours, Exeter.
Sidmouth Ian: 1948 AEC Regal/Duple, HHP 755. Greenslades Tours, Exeter.
Sidmouth Ian: YYP 857T. 1979 Leyland Bison. George Wimpey.
Sidmouth Ian: PXF 128. 1954 AEC Mammoth Major Mk. 3. New to George Wimpey.
Sidmouth Ian: In case you didn't know!
Sidmouth Ian: A pair of Georges' finest!
Sidmouth Ian: Wimpey tippers doing what they do best.
Sidmouth Ian: Wimpey tippers doing what they do best.
Sidmouth Ian: 1968 Foden S34 "Twin Load" and 1955 Rutland Eagle, Knowles Transport, Wimblington.
Sidmouth Ian: 1969 Leyland Beaver recovery, Steetley, Worksop.
Sidmouth Ian: 1962 AEC Mercury, 785 BWJ, Heeley Bros., Holmfirth, and1960 AEC Mustang, 493 FTG, T.J. Parry, Shrewsbury.
Sidmouth Ian: BJF 999K. 1972 AEC Reliance/Plaxton.
Sidmouth Ian: 1967 and 1962 Leyland Comets.
Sidmouth Ian: XYP 136. 1961 AEC Mammoth Major Mk. V.
Sidmouth Ian: Part of the Lloyds of Ludlow fleet.
Sidmouth Ian: V8 Mandators.
Sidmouth Ian: BBP 425. 1935 AEC Mammoth Major.
Sidmouth Ian: and in the blue corner.......
Sidmouth Ian: XXE 264M. 1973 AEC Mandator carrying RX 2663, a 1928 Vulcan.
Sidmouth Ian: LYB 385E. 1966 Guy Big J.
Sidmouth Ian: Abels Bedford pantechnicon.
Sidmouth Ian: YWY 659G. 1969 BMC Mastiff.
Sidmouth Ian: 325 YUD. 1948 Maudslay Mogul.
Sidmouth Ian: Howards 1958 ERF KV and 1958 Thames Trader.
Sidmouth Ian: Robsons 1985 C series and Wilsons 1986 E6 ERFs'.
Sidmouth Ian: RTD 680L.1972 AEC Marshal.