MDawny72: January 6, 2019: The Lion King, at the Paramount, in Seattle. So much fun!
MDawny72: January 6, 2019: The Lion King, at the Paramount, in Seattle. So much fun!
MDawny72: January 6, 2019: The Lion King, at the Paramount, in Seattle. So much fun!
MDawny72: January 6, 2019: The Lion King, at the Paramount, in Seattle. So much fun!
MDawny72: January 6, 2019: The Lion King, at the Paramount, in Seattle. So much fun!
MDawny72: Decorating Gingerbread Cookies - Claire
MDawny72: Decorating Gingerbread Cookies - Hannah
MDawny72: Not My Photo...These gals were at the MFM show last night. My nightmare, from The Shining. I posted that I'd missed getting a picture with them and look what was sent!
MDawny72: Me at last night's My Favorite Murder show! My friend and I had a blast: Dinner at Thai Ginger, wondering around town, bumping into fellow murderinos, standing in the longest line ever and seeing this show, surrounded by awesome people!!!
MDawny72: My Favorite Murder at the Paramount. So much fun!
MDawny72: Jellyfish sculpture
MDawny72: Just looking at jellyfish is relaxing
MDawny72: Mr. Walrus doing the wave
MDawny72: Mr. Walrus doing the wave
MDawny72: Beautiful Bouquets
MDawny72: Up up and Away!
MDawny72: National Margarita Day
MDawny72: National Margarita Day
MDawny72: National Margarita Day
MDawny72: National Margarita Day
MDawny72: Gruene Hall - One of the oldest dance halls in Texas
MDawny72: Gruene Hall - One of the oldest dance halls in Texas
MDawny72: Gruene Hall - One of the oldest dance halls in Texas
MDawny72: Mia in black and white
MDawny72: Palmetto State Park Panoramic View
MDawny72: Zoey
MDawny72: Oak Tree Silhouette
MDawny72: Market Square with Ross and Ana
MDawny72: Historic Market Square with Ross and Ana
MDawny72: Home Sweet Home