MDawny72: Tranquility
MDawny72: Butterfly in B&W
MDawny72: Friends
MDawny72: Friends
MDawny72: A day at Pike Place...
MDawny72: A day at Pike Place...
MDawny72: A day at Pike Place...
MDawny72: Post Alley - Seattle's famous gum wall!
MDawny72: A day at Pike Place...
MDawny72: Great Wheel
MDawny72: Great Wheel
MDawny72: Great Wheel in Black and White
MDawny72: Great Wheel in Black and White
MDawny72: Waiting...
MDawny72: Autumn Bridge
MDawny72: Seattle Seahawks inspired
MDawny72: "Fluorite"
MDawny72: Hoya Mathilde
MDawny72: Loving this pairing! They look so good next to each other!!
MDawny72: In Full Bloom
MDawny72: Hoya Compacta Bloom
MDawny72: Love and Friendship
MDawny72: Friends and Family Inspire Good Vibes
MDawny72: Friends and Family Inspire Good Vibes
MDawny72: Friends and Family Inspire Good Vibes
MDawny72: Friends and Family Inspire Good Vibes
MDawny72: Always Bee 🐝 Kind & Create
MDawny72: Always Bee 🐝 Kind & Create
MDawny72: Always Bee 🐝 Kind & Create
MDawny72: Jenny's Trip to Texas 2023