oliverred: #4 A wink and a nod
oliverred: #3 Tawny Owl
oliverred: #2 Tawny Frogmouth
oliverred: Tawny Frogmouth
oliverred: Should we let him stay?
oliverred: Ring-tailed possum
oliverred: 'I heard what you said, now please shut up'
oliverred: Camellia flower from my back yard
oliverred: "Sorry, what did you say"
oliverred: Noisy Miners
oliverred: Just hanging around
oliverred: Eastern Rosella
oliverred: Conrad, the cranky Lorikeet
oliverred: Cooling off
oliverred: Lorikeet sipping on sweet nectar from my gum tree
oliverred: The great grape heist.
oliverred: Incoming Bee
oliverred: Tiny fly on a leaf
oliverred: Hanging around
oliverred: Glowing as the sunsets
oliverred: I get a new hair style and all he does is laugh
oliverred: I have got my eye on you
oliverred: "Ok fellows, you don't really scare me. but just to let you know, that is my seed bowl"
oliverred: Nectar to match my eyes
oliverred: A liitle beauty from my garden
oliverred: Zigo, or Inch Plant
oliverred: Crested Dove
oliverred: Red Rosella feeding an Eastern Rosella
oliverred: Another welcome visitor to my garden
oliverred: Painted Lady dropped by today