sue921: IMG_4973
sue921: IMG_6694
sue921: IMG_6799 (2)
sue921: IMG_6888 (2)
sue921: Puerto del Sol
sue921: Old photos b&w
sue921: Old photos b&w
sue921: Old photos b&w
sue921: Old photos b&w
sue921: cranky
sue921: driftwood
sue921: IMG_7314
sue921: quiet
sue921: selective crow
sue921: black and white
sue921: those were the days
sue921: douglas fir
sue921: stump
sue921: Curves
sue921: snow dusting
sue921: mountains
sue921: fresh snow
sue921: a dusting of snow
sue921: dusting of snow
sue921: rocky shore
sue921: IMG_5841r
sue921: circle game
sue921: lines
sue921: creature from the black lagoon
sue921: nothing but grey skies