DecoyOner - dsk/smk/2pcs: Immersion blender design and marker technique practice! Homework due tomorrow #asu #industrialdesign #idsketching #decoyoner #2ndyear #id #design #copic #marker
Yo!SneakOne!: He's aaaalive!
"FOMS": Happy halloween everyone! Be safe =)
OKARIEN: Weekly sticks
radius-!-: triplet
radius-!-: five to one
radius-!-: oddulations
OKARIEN: -Silent Alarm-
Tun Tun (DSK) trade break!!!: Collab with Foms and Decoy
radius-!-: be seeing you, earth
CuVision: " Around View "
Etorious.33: Full sheet ready for prints
V0ID_UN0: Get Ape Shit!
estiiban: Trying something new
RekkingBall: Bimz x Etor x Zeek x Isor x Mabek x Gravity x Rek