SimonFlint: Auto Chinon 50mm f/1.9
SimonFlint: Sleepy Willow
SimonFlint: Auto Chinon 50mm f/1.9
SimonFlint: Daffodils blooming
SimonFlint: Auto Chinon 50mm f/1.9
SimonFlint: Daisy
SimonFlint: Daisy warming up
SimonFlint: Tentacles of a Rose Hip
SimonFlint: Happy Flyday Friends.
SimonFlint: Flowers in the garden
SimonFlint: Eye Fly!
SimonFlint: Cotcha!
SimonFlint: Willow
SimonFlint: Windy trees
SimonFlint: Fungi on a stump
SimonFlint: Have a seat
SimonFlint: Local woodland
SimonFlint: Woodland walk
SimonFlint: Fallen dead trees
SimonFlint: Walking in Autumn
SimonFlint: Tree trunks condensation Sunset