Lee...2012: Moth on a Cloth
Lee...2012: Butterfly
Lee...2012: Monarch Butterfly Chrysalis
Lee...2012: Two Monarch Caterpillars
Lee...2012: Bumblebee on Peruvian Lilly
Lee...2012: Flashy Spider
Lee...2012: Spider
Lee...2012: What am I ?
Lee...2012: Spider
Lee...2012: Spider
Lee...2012: Bug on a Yellow Flower
Lee...2012: Fly on Brick
Lee...2012: Fly on Concrete
Lee...2012: Bee on Flower
Lee...2012: Beetle on Spider Lily
Lee...2012: Bee Taking Off
Lee...2012: Taking a Break on the Driveway
Lee...2012: Bee on Handrail
Lee...2012: Bee coming in for a landing
Lee...2012: Bee Landing on a Tomato Flower
Lee...2012: Bee on Tomato Flower
Lee...2012: Bee on Peruvian Lily
Lee...2012: Bee on Peruvian Lily
Lee...2012: Bee on Agapanthus
Lee...2012: Bee on Peruvian Lilly
Lee...2012: Bee on Gerbera Daisy
Lee...2012: Flying Insect
Lee...2012: Bee on Flower
Lee...2012: Green Onion Flower with Bees IMG_2538
Lee...2012: IMG_2396