Lee...2012: Cymbidium
Lee...2012: Blooming Cactus
Lee...2012: Blooming Cactus
Lee...2012: Blooming Aeonium Velour
Lee...2012: Life of an Iceland Poppy
Lee...2012: Hotbiscus in the Rain
Lee...2012: Trumpet Vine
Lee...2012: Blooming Cactus
Lee...2012: Epiphyllum - The Morning After
Lee...2012: Blooming Epiphyllum
Lee...2012: Epiphyllum
Lee...2012: Bumblebee on Peruvian Lilly
Lee...2012: Ready to Bloom
Lee...2012: Cactus Flower
Lee...2012: Epiphyllum after the bloom
Lee...2012: Bug on a Yellow Flower
Lee...2012: Epiphyllum in Four Stages
Lee...2012: Epiphyllum in Bloom
Lee...2012: Echeveria
Lee...2012: Succulent Flower
Lee...2012: Bee on Flower
Lee...2012: Canna Lily
Lee...2012: Giant Thevetia
Lee...2012: Beetle on Spider Lily
Lee...2012: Snail on zucchini leaf
Lee...2012: Mandevilla Sun Parasol
Lee...2012: Mandevilla Sun Parasol buds
Lee...2012: Bee coming in for a landing