Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
What's out there?
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Back-lit honeysuckle
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Geranium - bicoloured
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Incy Wincy....
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Garden Carpet moth - Xanthorhoe fluctuata
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Metalled drain on sandstone.
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Chain Reaction
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
The Black Horse
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Just hanging there!
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Petunia against the sky:)
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Bottoms up!
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
SUMMER!! You are joking! Week 9 - 2014
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Harvest time
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Peaceful North Sea!
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
I SEE the SEA - Week 8 "Landscapes"
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
It's too early for Christmas! ..... Week 7 August 11-16 "Domestic animals"
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Who me? ..... Week 7 August 11-16 "Domestic animals"
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Bored with Bertha! ....... Week 7 August 11-16 "Domestic animals"
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Moroccan Lantern....POV Challenge 6-2014 - July 4th-9th.
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
"Do you mind!" - POV Challenge 6-2014 - July 4th-9th
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Down among the gravel - POV Challenge 6-2014 - July 4th-9th
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
'Tea-time' ~ Still Life ~ Week 5 July 26th to Aug 2nd
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
'Coffee' ~ Still Life ~ Week 5 July 26th to Aug 2nd
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Holographic glass ~ Still Life ~ Week 5 2014 July 26th to Aug 2nd
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Fun shot - Week 3 14-19 July 2014
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Nelly Moser - Week 3 14-19 July 2014
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Day Lily
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Me and my shadow. Week 2-2014, July 5-12
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Spiky Shadows! Week 2-2014, July 5-12
Sandi - (Very Busy Lady!):
Monbretia in the rain