gsphotography145: Spotted Towhee
gsphotography145: Gray Catbird
gsphotography145: Spotted Towhee
gsphotography145: Chipping Sparrow
gsphotography145: Black-headed Grosbeak
gsphotography145: Loggerhead Shrike
gsphotography145: Turkey Vulture
gsphotography145: Black-headed Grosbeak
gsphotography145: Cordilleran Flycatcher
gsphotography145: Black-billed Magpie
gsphotography145: Sharp-tailed Grouse
gsphotography145: Mules Grazing on the Prarie
gsphotography145: Lark Sparrow
gsphotography145: Leading to the Bluffs
gsphotography145: Vesper Sparrow
gsphotography145: American Goldfinch
gsphotography145: Dickcissle
gsphotography145: Pronghorn
gsphotography145: Cordilleran Flycatcher
gsphotography145: Cordilleran Flycatcher
gsphotography145: Western Kingbird
gsphotography145: Red-eyed Vireo
gsphotography145: Eastern Kingbird Family
gsphotography145: Chestnut-collared Lonspur
gsphotography145: "Woah did you see that!?"
gsphotography145: Osprey with Fish
gsphotography145: Welcome to Montana
gsphotography145: Welcome to Montana
gsphotography145: Eastern Kingbird Family
gsphotography145: Eastern Kingbird Family