Cspokey: #fmsphotoaday February's List!
Cspokey: #fmsphotoaday February 1: fork
Cspokey: #fmsphotoaday February 3: something beginning with e
Cspokey: How sad!
Cspokey: #fmsphotoaday February 4: hope [I hope I'm doing this right!]
Cspokey: #fmsphotoaday February 5: something you smelled [oreos!!]
Cspokey: #fmsphotoaday Feb 6: soft
Cspokey: #fmsphotoaday Feb 8: your name [my mom packed me a lunch. Isn't she nice?]
Cspokey: What I love about painting. #sopretty #nofilter
Cspokey: #fmsphotoaday February 8: something orange #adaylate
Cspokey: Halfway there!
Cspokey: #fmsphotoaday February 9: guilty pleasure
Cspokey: My finished color study. I'm too poor for 3 colors, I'll fill them in later in the semester. :)
Cspokey: #fmsphotoaday February 10: 3 o'clock
Cspokey: #fmsphotoaday February 11: entrance
Cspokey: Progress on my painting...I've added some color!
Cspokey: #fmsphotoaday February 13: walking [I took this picture while walking to class. I found @th_purpl_lady ]
Cspokey: Progress? #PaintingForNonMajors
Cspokey: #fmsphotoaday February 14: love is... [double triple Oreos!]
Cspokey: #fmsphotoaday February 15: inside your fridge [my mom would be mortified if she knew I was posting this]
Cspokey: #fmsphotoaday February 16: perfect ["I'm not perfect, but I'm perfectly me"]
Cspokey: Thoughts? I couldn't get the colors perfect in the photo, but they're pretty close to the actual painting.
Cspokey: #fmsphotoaday February 18: something you don't like [waiting for paint (or gesso) to dry]