ShaunaB: c'mon daddy
ShaunaB: let the celebration begin
ShaunaB: independent girl
ShaunaB: freedom
ShaunaB: Tobi's garden
ShaunaB: chatting up with auntie shay
ShaunaB: serious about the 4th
ShaunaB: playing ball in front of John Moses' garden
ShaunaB: catch
ShaunaB: it's a kitty
ShaunaB: yard transformed
ShaunaB: of course
ShaunaB: ready for the parade
ShaunaB: lining up
ShaunaB: princess pooter
ShaunaB: pulling the wagon
ShaunaB: still pulling
ShaunaB: ready for the celebration
ShaunaB: riding in style
ShaunaB: girls on the 4th
ShaunaB: proud of their rides
ShaunaB: queen of the wagon
ShaunaB: baby wagon
ShaunaB: how 'bout bubbles
ShaunaB: every day is a bubble day
ShaunaB: more bubbles
ShaunaB: wow, dats a bigun Tobi
ShaunaB: here comes the parade
ShaunaB: chatting with the ladies
ShaunaB: ..and bubbles