Ayragon: #frmqg finished objects January 2013. @stitcherydickory with her @annamariahorner quilt
Ayragon: #frmqg finished objects January 2013.
Ayragon: #frmqg finished objects January 2013.
Ayragon: #frmqg finished objects January 2013.
Ayragon: More #frmqg presentation by @mtnmel . #scrappytripalong and #flutterbys quilts behind her.
Ayragon: @mtnmel opening the first meeting of 2013... #madronaRoad pillow sitting there and all us #frmqg guildies paying attention. #mqg
Ayragon: #frmqg finished objects January 2013.
Ayragon: #frmqg finished objects January 2013.
Ayragon: #frmqg finished objects January 2013.
Ayragon: #frmqg finished objects January 2013.
Ayragon: #frmqg finished objects January 2013.
Ayragon: #frmqg finished objects January 2013.
Ayragon: #frmqg finished objects January 2013.
Ayragon: Only a third of a bottle down... still not too tanqued to quilt... #frmqg retreat
Ayragon: Stack of @tulapink goodness and the pattern I am working on at #frmqg retreat... haven't been up this late without Nick all over me in a long time
Ayragon: To Boston with Love Flags
Ayragon: To Boston with Love Flags
Ayragon: All the fantastic #compositionNotebookCover swaps at this month's #frmqg meeting. Good job ladies!