Verity Borthwick:
Hello green eyes
Verity Borthwick:
At the top
Verity Borthwick:
Snowy day
Verity Borthwick:
Snowy reeds
Verity Borthwick:
Snowy trees at Stora Skuggan
Verity Borthwick:
Verity Borthwick:
Verity Borthwick:
Verity Borthwick:
Spring in Denmark
Verity Borthwick:
Feed me seymour!!!
Verity Borthwick:
Verity Borthwick:
Cumulo nimbus
Verity Borthwick:
Botanical gardens in the snow
Verity Borthwick:
Zebra clock
Verity Borthwick:
Tie tying instructions
Verity Borthwick:
The view behind
Verity Borthwick:
Paddling through the clouds
Verity Borthwick:
Opening her eyes
Verity Borthwick:
Golden orchid in the rain
Verity Borthwick:
Foggy white
Verity Borthwick:
Tropical cold
Verity Borthwick:
No snow, but at least there are orchids
Verity Borthwick:
Snow + tiles
Verity Borthwick:
Snowy paris from Juj's aunts
Verity Borthwick:
Ice crystal artwork 2
Verity Borthwick:
Verity Borthwick:
My intials in the snow
Verity Borthwick:
Swanlake in the snow
Verity Borthwick:
The scary snowman on our windowsill
Verity Borthwick:
Pretty white flower