agentpu: Product Planning Department
agentpu: Things I cannot eat
agentpu: Gifts!
agentpu: What could it be?
agentpu: Me and Simon
agentpu: Games
agentpu: Balloons with prize winners
agentpu: Not winners, but Merry Christmas!
agentpu: My Secret Santa Number
agentpu: The Food
agentpu: I won a prize
agentpu: Jon won a prize
agentpu: and Jack won a prize too
agentpu: Opening present from Martina
agentpu: A Chocolator!
agentpu: Jon checking it out...
agentpu: Jon enjoying its full splendor
agentpu: The one and only
agentpu: I can barely stand NOT to eat it
agentpu: Hello, kitty!
agentpu: In the charging dock...
agentpu: And ready to go
agentpu: Everyone wants to see it
agentpu: Discussing it