waldronyoung: 1980 07 17 01 Tablelands, Gros Morne Nat Park NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 17 02 Gros Morne from the highway Gros Morne NP (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 17 03 Norris Point, Gros Morne NP (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 17 04 Tablelands from ferry, Gros Morne NP (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 18 01 Moss on tree, Gros Morne NP (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 19 01 On the way up Table Mountain Gros Morne NP (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 19 02 Ophiolites Gros Morne NP NL July 1980 (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 19 03 Table Mountain Valley Gros Morne NP NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 19 04 Dave and Paul at Table Mountain Gros Morne NP NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 19 05 Dave and Paul at Table Mountain Gros Morne NP (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 19 06 Table Mountain Valley 2 Gros Morne NP (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 19 07 Snowpack on Table Mountain Gros Morne NP NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 19 08 Dave and Paul on the snow Table Mountain Gros Morne NP NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 19 09 On top of Table Mountain Gros Morne NP NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 19 10 Not much can grow on Table Mountain Gros Morne NP NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 19 11 Lenticular Cloud Gros Morne NP NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 19 12 Valley into Tableland Mountain Gros Morne NP NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 19 13 Wrong way down Tableland Mountain Gros Morne NP NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 20 01 Mom in Newfoundland (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 20 02 Western Brook Pond Gros Morne NP NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 20 03 Moody sky NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 21 01 Berry Hill campground to Gros Morne, Gros Morne NP NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 21 Eye to eye Gros Morne NP NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 22 01 The Trail into Gros Morne NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 22 02 The Trail into Gros Morne NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 22 03 Halfway up Gros Morne NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 22 04 The col at Gros Morne, Gros Morne NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 22 05 Waterfalls from trail to Gros Morne, Gros Morne NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 22 06 Pond along trail to Gros Morne, Gros Morne NL (Custom)
waldronyoung: 1980 07 22 07 Valley behind Gros Morne, Gros Morne NL (Custom)