mechbot5: Baseball memories
mechbot5: San Leandro Sunset
mechbot5: Paradise Lost
mechbot5: Tiger banner
mechbot5: Hot Wheels...Everywhere! #3
mechbot5: Hot Wheels...Everywhere! #2
mechbot5: ...And the clouds parted.
mechbot5: Sheep Train
mechbot5: "Hey, it's gettin' crowded up here!"
mechbot5: Danger, Will Robinson! / Dr. Zaius does not see, hear, or speak any evil...
mechbot5: 9/365 Candle
mechbot5: 10/365 1942
mechbot5: Petri Compact (Holga Nikon lens)
mechbot5: 17/365 315,836.7 Miles
mechbot5: 19/365 A Buddha, a Camel, and The Flash
mechbot5: 20/365 Pliny the Elder
mechbot5: 22/365 Dinner
mechbot5: 33/365 Power Lines
mechbot5: 36/365 Door Carving
mechbot5: 37/365 Food Books Food
mechbot5: 38/365 Closet
mechbot5: 39/365 Globe
mechbot5: 41/365 Movie Night
mechbot5: 42/365 Night-Time
mechbot5: 45/365 Leaves
mechbot5: 48/365 Baseball On A Tripod
mechbot5: 49/365 Caboose
mechbot5: 51/365 Cloudy Sky Moon
mechbot5: 53/365 Drone 1
mechbot5: 54/365 Mini Lantern