pete tomo: midland railway centre
pete tomo: midland railway centre
pete tomo: butterley station
pete tomo: midland railway centre
pete tomo: midland railway centre
pete tomo: midland railway centre
pete tomo: old aisgil signal box
pete tomo: berries
pete tomo: silent voices
pete tomo: swanwick (midland railway centre)
pete tomo: swanwick (mrc)
pete tomo: 47 at rest
pete tomo: amongst the weeds
pete tomo: amongst the weeds
pete tomo: lost shed at swanwick
pete tomo: swanwick junction
pete tomo: swanwick junction
pete tomo: time to leave
pete tomo: are we there yet?
pete tomo: who farted?
pete tomo: stop!
pete tomo: dead 47
pete tomo: swanwick junction
pete tomo: we can see you
pete tomo: swanwick junction
pete tomo: rails to nowhere
pete tomo: swanwick junction
pete tomo: filler neck
pete tomo: decay
pete tomo: decay